Dragon wheel bag

I designed this bag for a friend so she’d have something to put a spare set of wheels in when she travelled to roller derby bouts. You need two strands of wool for most of it so you can use your team colours πŸ™‚

With a 5 mm hook and holding two strands of eight ply wool together


Round 1: 6 sc in a magic ring (6 stitches)

Round 2: sc around (6 stitches)

Round 3: increase around (12 stitches)

Round 4: sc around (12 stitches)

Round 5: sc in the first stitch, increase in the next stitch – repeat (18 stitches)

Round 6: sc in each stitch (18 stitches)

Round 7: hold flat (ie doubled over), (slip stitch so that the hook goes through two stitches at once) x 3, sc in the next 3 stitches, slip stitch in the next 3 stitches, (slip stitch so that the hook goes through two stitches at once) x 3, sc in the last 3 stitches (there are now only 6 stitches)

Rounds 8 – 12: sc in each stitch (6 stitches) (5 rounds)

Round 13: sc in the first stitch, increase in the next stitch – repeat (9 stitches)

Rounds 14 – 18: sc in each stitch (9 stitches) (5 rounds)

Round 19: sc in the first stitch, increase in the next stitch – repeat (13 stitches)

Rounds 20 – 24: sc in each stitch (13 stitches) (5 rounds)



Round 25: increase, sc in the next two stitches – repeat (18 stitches)

Round 26: sc in the first two stitches, increase in the next stitch – repeat (24 stitches)

Round 27: sc in the first three stitches, increase in the next stitch – repeat (30 stitches)

Round 28: sc in the first four stitches, increase in the next stitch – repeat (36 stitches)

Round 29: sc in the first five stitches, increase in the next stitch – repeat (42 stitches)

Round 30: sc in the first six stitches, increase in the next stitch – repeat (48 stitches)

Round 31: sc in the first seven stitches, increase in the next stitch – repeat (54 stitches)

Round 32: sc in the first eight stitches, increase in the next stitch – repeat (60 stitches)

Round 33: sc in the first nine stitches, increase in the next stitch – repeat (66 stitches)

Round 34: sc in the first ten stitches, increase in the next stitch – repeat (72 stitches)

Round 35: sc in the first eleven stitches, increase in the next stitch – repeat (78 stitches)

Round 36: sc in the first twelve stitches, increase in the next stitch – repeat (84 stitches)

Round 37: sc in the first thirteen stitches, increase in the next stitch – repeat (90 stitches)

Round 38: sc in the first fourteen stitches, increase in the next stitch – repeat (96 stitches)

Round 39: sc in the first fifteen stitches, increase in the next stitch – repeat (102 stitches)

Rounds 40 – 54: sc in each stitch (102 stitches) (15 rounds)

Round 55: sc in the first fifteen stitches, decrease the next two stitches together – repeat (96 stitches)

Round 56: sc in the first fourteen stitches, decrease the next two stitches together – repeat (90 stitches)

Round 57: sc in the first thirteen stitches, decrease the next two stitches together – repeat (84 stitches)

Round 58: sc in the first twelve stitches, decrease the next two stitches together – repeat (78 stitches)

Round 59: sc in the first eleven stitches, decrease the next two stitches together – repeat (72 stitches)

Round 60: sc in the first ten stitches, decrease the next two stitches together – repeat (66 stitches)

Fasten off, weave in end.


Wings (make two)

First we need to make 4 little triangles for each wing, which we will join together to form the jagged bottom of the wing

Row 1: chain 2 (one is a turning chain), sc in the first chain (1 stitch)

Row 2: increase (2 stitches)

Row 3: increase in both stitches (4 stitches)

Row 4: increase in the first stitch, sc in the next two stitches, increase in the last stitch (6 stitches)

Fasten off (except don’t bother fastening off for the fourth one)

Row 5: 6sc on the first little triangle, 6 sc on the second little triangle, 6 sc on the third little triangle, 6 sc on the last little triangle to join them together (24 stitches)

Row 6: decrease the first two stitches together, sc 20, decrease the last two stitches together (22 stitches)

Row 7: decrease the first two stitches together, sc 18, decrease the last two stitches together (20 stitches)

Row 8: decrease the first two stitches together, sc 16, decrease the last two stitches together (18 stitches)

Row 9: decrease the first two stitches together, sc 14, decrease the last two stitches together (16 stitches)

Row 10: decrease the first two stitches together, sc 12, decrease the last two stitches together (14 stitches)

Row 11: decrease the first two stitches together, sc 10, decrease the last two stitches together (12 stitches)

Row 12: decrease the first two stitches together, sc 8, decrease the last two stitches together (10 stitches)

Row 13: decrease the first two stitches together, sc 6, decrease the last two stitches together (8 stitches)

Row 14: decrease the first two stitches together, sc 4, decrease the last two stitches together (6 stitches)

Row 15: decrease the first two stitches together, sc 2, decrease the last two stitches together (4 stitches)

Row 16: (decrease two stitches together) x 2 (2 stitches)

Row 17: decrease the remaining two stitches together (1 stitch)

Fasten off, weave in ends.



Attach the wool at the end of the tail

Row 1: sc 4 (4 stitches)

Row 2: turn, (decrease two stitches together) x 2 (2 stitches)

Row 3: turn, decrease two stitches together (1 stitch)

Slipstitch back down the spine to the tail and continue making spikes up the back so that in the end you have 9 spines



Chain 145 stitches.



Use 4mm hook and 8 ply white wool.

Join the wool on the bottom jaw using only the inside loop of each stitch.

Row 1: sc 3 (3 stitches)

Row 2: turn, decrease three stitches together (1 stitch)

Slip stitch back down to the jaw

Keep repeating this along the bottom of the jaw until there a 10 teeth.

Then repeat on the top of the jaw.



Sew on the wings and googly eyes.

Thread the drawstring through the stitches of the mouth and then tie the two ends together to form a loop.