Cuddly cat scarf

I designed this scarf for a friend. She asked me to make her a cream scarf. I assumed that she wanted it to be in the form of a cat.

This pattern is written in American crochet notation. It uses 8 ply wool and a 3.75 mm hook (I couldn’t find my 4 mm hook).

The finished scarf is about 110 cm long. If you want it to be longer just add in some more tummy rounds.


Round 1: 6sc in a magic ring (6 stitches)

Round 2: increase in every stitch (12 stitches)

Round 3: sc in the first stitch, increase in the next stitch – repeat (18 stitches)

Round 4: sc in the first two stitches, increase in the next stitch – repeat (24 stitches)

Round 5: sc in the first three stitches, increase in the next stitch – repeat (30 stitches)

Round 6: sc in the first four stitches, increase in the next stitch – repeat (36 stitches)

Round 7: sc in the first five stitches, increase in the next stitch – repeat (42 stitches)

Round 8: sc in the first six stitches, increase in the next stitch – repeat (48 stitches)

Rounds 9 – 14: sc in each stitch (48 stitches) (6 rounds)

Round 15: sc in the first six stitches, decrease the next two stitches together – repeat (42 stitches)

Round 16: sc in the first five stitches, decrease the next two stitches together – repeat (36 stitches)

Round 17: sc in the first four stitches, decrease the next two stitches together – repeat (30 stitches)

Round 18: sc in the first three stitches, decrease the next two stitches together – repeat (24 stitches)

Round 19: sc in the first two stitches, decrease the next two stitches together – repeat (18 stitches)

Round 20: sc in the first stitch, decrease the next two stitches together – repeat (12 stitches)



Round 21: sc in the first stitch, increase in the next stitch – repeat (18 stitches)

Round 22: sc in the first two stitches, increase in the next stitch – repeat (24 stitches)

Round 23: sc in the first three stitches, increase in the next stitch – repeat (30 stitches)

Round 24: sc in the first four stitches, increase in the next stitch – repeat (36 stitches)

Round 25: sc in the first five stitches, increase in the next stitch – repeat (42 stitches)

Rounds 26 – 185: sc in each stitch (42 stitches) (160 rounds)

Round 186: sc in the first five stitches, decrease the next two stitches together – repeat (36 stitches)

Round 187: sc in the first four stitches, decrease the next two stitches together – repeat (30 stitches)

Round 188: sc in the first three stitches, decrease the next two stitches together – repeat (24 stitches)

Round 189: sc in the first two stitches, decrease the next two stitches together – repeat (18 stitches)

Round 190: sc in the first stitch, decrease the next two stitches together – repeat (12 stitches)



Rounds 191 – 220: sc in each stitch (12) (30 rounds)

Round 221: decrease until the hole closes.

Fasten off, weave in end.


Legs (make 4)

Round 1: 6sc in a magic ring (6 stitches)

Round 2: increase in every stitch (12 stitches)

Round 3: sc in the first stitch, increase in the next stitch – repeat (18 stitches)

Round 4: sc in the first two stitches, increase in the next stitch – repeat (24 stitches)

Rounds 5 – 6: sc in each stitch (24 stitches) (2 rounds)

Round 7: sc in the first two stitches, decrease the next two stitches together – repeat (18 stitches)

Round 8: sc in the first stitch, decrease the next two stitches together – repeat (12 stitches)

Rounds 9 – 28: sc in each stitch (12 stitches) (20 rounds)

Fasten off, leaving a long tail for sewing.


Ears (make 2)

Round 1: 4sc in a magic ring (4 stitches)

Round 2: sc in the first stitch, increase in the next stitch – repeat (6 stitches)

Round 3: sc in the first stitch, increase in the next stitch – repeat (9 stitches)

Round 4: sc in the first stitch, increase in the next stitch – repeat (13 stitches)

Round 5: sc in each stitch (13 stitches)

Fasten off, leaving a long tail for sewing.



Sew the ears onto the head (make sure to curve them gently inwards). Sew the legs onto the body. Embroider a sleepy cat face with eyes, nose, mouth and whiskers. Embroider the toes on the paws.